“Jackknifed Articulated Buses” by Oran Viriyincy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
I’ve released the source code for the access analysis system that I have built to produce the maps and data in these posts. It resides in a collection of repositories, and basic setup instructions for deploying it onto Amazon Web Services are provided. All source is released under the GNU Public License v3.0.
I’m releasing it in the hope that it is useful, but with different intentions than the typical free software/open source project. After spending many years in the software industry, I’ve realized that I don’t enjoy collaborating at the source code level. I liked discussing ideas and puzzling through problems with my colleagues, but working in code bases that weren’t fully my own degraded the hobby into work. If you are a professional software developer, what you see may appall you. Documentation is light and tests are scant. But this is my hobby; enjoyment has been prioritized over merchantability. I’m not interested in producing and managing a single, professional, collaborative piece of work.
I instead want to give anyone with an interest in public transit access measurement the ability to deploy this system and use it. If they have the inclination to modify and extend it to fit their individual needs, I encourage branching off of it. For the right situation, and the right price, I’m happy to help with that.
Getting the software into a deployable state came at the cost of posting here. I plan on resuming posts soon, particularly because part of this work included addressing a long-time limitation of this system: not accounting for elevation when determining walking times.